In the pantheon of gods and goddesses, I have usually preferred the Greek names to the Roman and prefer "grey-eyed Athena" as sounding wiser than the common-sensical Minerva. Nevertheless, according to a UNC-Greensboro website, "Charles Duncan McIver, founder of the State Normal and Industrial School (now UNCG), decided Minerva, goddess of Wisdom and Women's Arts, would be a good symbol for the school. Beginning with the first diploma in 1893, the head of Minerva has appeared on every diploma awarded by this institution." And now she appears on a necklace that a UNC-G professor and fellow mystery writer, Denise Tuker, made for me, using pale green amazonite stones and a picture of the campus statue of Minerva. Now if anyone knows where I can get an amazonite carving of a tiny owl . . .!